a new England thread

For our english-speaking friends.

Re: a new England thread

Beitrag von Choobacca » Mittwoch 27. Juni 2012, 10:06

Just wondering if Miniatur Wunderland will be using HO 1:87 scale or OO 1:76 scale locomotives for the British area?

This might be the perfect opportunity to ask companies such as Roco to make some British HO models (I've been asking Roco for a while now)

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Registriert: Montag 9. Februar 2004, 14:21
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A new England thread

Beitrag von Datterich » Mittwoch 27. Juni 2012, 10:32

My question: Is it just only "England" or is it "Great Britain" (UK)?

Kind regards from Germany
In Scotland we have the 1st Golf-Course worldwide = The Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews ("R&A") :professor2:
Zuletzt geändert von Datterich am Donnerstag 28. Juni 2012, 06:31, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

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Registriert: Mittwoch 25. Februar 2004, 14:24
Wohnort: Schweden

Re: a new England thread

Beitrag von Qrt » Mittwoch 27. Juni 2012, 23:58

My Dear Datterich,
Your question is a bit ambiguous. The UK and Great Britain is not all and the same.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_kingdom hat geschrieben:The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (commonly known as the United Kingdom (UK) or Britain) is a sovereign state located off the north-western coast of continental Europe.
The country includes the island of Great Britain, the north-eastern part of the island of Ireland and many smaller islands.
The BA (from now on referred to as the British Section) NOT to be confused with the British Sector.
should reflect the urban and rural landscape of Great Britain. For that purpose it could be made up of only english areas or include scenes from the whole of the UK. Due to the MiWuLa goal that all the different sections at the largest model railway show in the world shall be interconnected is Northen Ireland strictly speaking out of bounds. There are no railroad bridges or tunnels between Great Britain and Ireland.
Furthermore none of the Crown Dependencies or the Overseas Territories can be included since they are not a part of the United Kingdom.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Overseas_Territories resp.Crown_Dependencies hat geschrieben:The 14 British Overseas Territories are under the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom, though they do not form part of it.
Being independently administered jurisdictions, none (of the Crown Dependencies) forms part of the United Kingdom nor of the European Union.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen - Qrt
"Wenigstens einmal muss es vorgekommen sein"
PS:Das Q ist der 17. Buchstabe des lateinischen Alphabets.

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Registriert: Montag 9. Februar 2004, 14:21
Wohnort: 100 km südlich Speicherstadt

A new England thread

Beitrag von Datterich » Donnerstag 28. Juni 2012, 06:31

Qrt hat geschrieben:There are no railroad bridges or tunnels between Great Britain and Ireland.
That could be an interesting arrangement for the MiWuLa-engineers: A railroad bridge or - much better - the Eurotunnel between France and the British segment - in MiWuLa as "Atlantic-tunnel" already existing between northern Germany and the USA.

And of course there are a lot of phantastic and splendid golf-courses in Ireland too.

Last but not least - don't forget: The car system cars there have to drive on the wrong side of the street! :wink:

It would be a worldwide interesting opening with Elisabeth II and Charles in Hamburg.

Kind regards to Sweden and to the rest of the world
The contrary of 'Great Britain' is 'Small Britain'?


Re: a new England thread

Beitrag von grisonfan » Donnerstag 28. Juni 2012, 16:51

......please don't forget the Welsh Narrow Gauge Railways.


Beiträge: 2360
Registriert: Mittwoch 25. Februar 2004, 14:24
Wohnort: Schweden

Re: A new England thread

Beitrag von Qrt » Freitag 29. Juni 2012, 18:48

Datterich hat geschrieben:Last but not least - don't forget: The car system cars there have to drive on the wrong side of the street!
some englishman years ago hat geschrieben:The french (read Germans) say that they are driving on the right side. That is wrong. It is we who are driving on the right side!
And he was/is right. Since China + India and most other countries in the Commonwealth drive on the left side the right side drivers on this earh are the deviators. (Die Abweichler) :mrgreen:

Berichtigung. I was not correctly informed.
They do not travel on the right side; i.e. to the left;in China.
Thus only 44% of the Earth population travel on the left.
Zuletzt geändert von Qrt am Samstag 8. Oktober 2016, 18:57, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen - Qrt
"Wenigstens einmal muss es vorgekommen sein"
PS:Das Q ist der 17. Buchstabe des lateinischen Alphabets.

Beiträge: 9810
Registriert: Montag 9. Februar 2004, 14:21
Wohnort: 100 km südlich Speicherstadt

A new England thread

Beitrag von Datterich » Freitag 29. Juni 2012, 19:21

That's right with the left hand side ... 8) but the Swedish people are more ideal:
I remember the "höger" - action some ten years ago ...

Kind regards to all the right people
Zuletzt geändert von Datterich am Freitag 29. Juni 2012, 20:42, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Hier trifft man manchmal Leute, die gar keinen Zug vertragen ...

Beiträge: 2360
Registriert: Mittwoch 25. Februar 2004, 14:24
Wohnort: Schweden

Re: a new England thread

Beitrag von Qrt » Freitag 29. Juni 2012, 19:30

In welcher Wiki hast du das gefunden ? Oder ist das eine logaritmische Angabe ?
In meiner Welt wechselte wir schon am 3 september 1967 nach rechts.

:oops: Ja,ja ich denke nunmehr schneller auf deutsch als auf englisch.... Wird sofort gebabelt. Sorry
Mit freundlichen Grüßen - Qrt
"Wenigstens einmal muss es vorgekommen sein"
PS:Das Q ist der 17. Buchstabe des lateinischen Alphabets.

Beiträge: 9810
Registriert: Montag 9. Februar 2004, 14:21
Wohnort: 100 km südlich Speicherstadt

A new England thread

Beitrag von Datterich » Freitag 29. Juni 2012, 20:04

No no - no Wiki :idea: I really remember this "höger"-action in Sweden in 1967.

I remember that first they planned to change the right side in two separate steps: First only trucks and busses
and three months later all other cars and motorcycles.

Kind regards to all SAR-doctors
You really founded a German corner in this English corner !

Beiträge: 2360
Registriert: Mittwoch 25. Februar 2004, 14:24
Wohnort: Schweden

Re: A new England thread

Beitrag von Qrt » Samstag 30. Juni 2012, 00:43

Datterich hat geschrieben:Last but not least - don't forget: The car system cars there have to drive on the wrong side of the street!
And their Roundabouts are magic as well.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_Roun ... mpstead%29
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_Roun ... Swindon%29
Mit freundlichen Grüßen - Qrt
"Wenigstens einmal muss es vorgekommen sein"
PS:Das Q ist der 17. Buchstabe des lateinischen Alphabets.

Beiträge: 2360
Registriert: Mittwoch 25. Februar 2004, 14:24
Wohnort: Schweden

Re: A new England thread

Beitrag von Qrt » Samstag 30. Juni 2012, 01:22

:off topic:
Datterich hat geschrieben:I remember that first they planned to change the right side in two separate steps: First only trucks and busses and three months later all other cars and motorcycles.
And since it happened in Sweden we pulled of such a heimlich maneuvre without a single accident.. :santagreen:
Mit freundlichen Grüßen - Qrt
"Wenigstens einmal muss es vorgekommen sein"
PS:Das Q ist der 17. Buchstabe des lateinischen Alphabets.


Re: a new England thread

Beitrag von Choobacca » Freitag 6. Juli 2012, 12:45

...but will the British layout be in HO or OO gauge? I've noticed that Roco used to make some Pullmann coaches and Orient Express coaches which could be used:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venice-Sim ... nt_Express

Roco also made some British Freight Wagons that travelled through the Channel Tunnel. There's also an NS 657 Diesel Shunter that looks very similar to a British Class 08 locomotive:

Class 08 Europa.jpg


Re: a new England thread

Beitrag von Choobacca » Mittwoch 30. Januar 2013, 14:15

I thought the people at MiWuLa might be interested to see these ex NS600 locomotives that are now being used in Great Britain.

Ribble Railway (Middle Peak Railway) 671:

Ribble Railway Video:

http://i499.photobucket.com/albums/rr35 ... 110003.jpg
http://i499.photobucket.com/albums/rr35 ... 110012.jpg
http://i499.photobucket.com/albums/rr35 ... 110004.jpg

Hornby have also made a version of the blue Sentinel diesel locomotive similar to the one in the video (second video @ 1min 40s). The loco is made in 1:76 scale, though it's small size would probably make it look OK with other HO models.

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Re: a new England thread

Beitrag von Nordexpress » Mittwoch 30. Januar 2013, 22:35

With 1.2 million visitors a year, imagine 1,199,999 people asking any Miwulaner nearby: "please, how come the lay-out in England appears to have a different size from the rest of the lay-out?" :mrgreen:

Anyway, I am sure we shall see british rail enthusiasts invading Knuffingen for going on German vintage trains :mrgreen: 1:1 and 1:87 that is :wink:
Tschüss Nord-Express
"Die kleine Welt ist die grösste"
Mega Straßenbahnmuseum Dänemark
