One week today....

Für alles, was nicht wirklich ein Hauptthema hat, also auch allgemein Lob & Tadel
Beiträge: 70
Registriert: Montag 16. September 2019, 13:58
Wohnort: Scotland, UK

One week today....

Beitrag von RedDog » Sonntag 27. März 2022, 18:34

Well this has been a rough couple of weeks. We have all caught the Omicron variant of Covid. Happily for us the symptoms were very mild and we are now testing negative again. Both my wife and I work a few days a week in a school and this is almost certainly where one of us caught it. I think I am mostly relieved that we have got this out of the way in plenty of time for our next holiday to Hamburg. I am safe to go to back to work tomorrow and there will be absolutely no trace of the virus in us by the time we visit Germany.

Next Sunday (3rd of April) my family and I arrive in Hamburg for a full week. We are VERY excited.

If anyone is in the area and would like to meet up I would be very happy to say "hello" and buy you a beer. Staff members, forum members, old friends or new friends!

Christoph Köhler
Beiträge: 2557
Registriert: Montag 20. Juni 2005, 20:55
Wohnort: Kürten

Re: One week today....

Beitrag von Christoph Köhler » Sonntag 27. März 2022, 21:13

Hallo RedDog

I'm really happy to hear about your recovery. But you can look forward to a nice week in Hamburg.

It would be very nice if you would take a lot of photos and then show them to all of us who cannot come to Hamburg in a .5 weekly report.

I wish you all continued recovery and an eventful time in Hamburg.

Greetings from the Bergisches Land

Christoph Köhler

Beiträge: 724
Registriert: Freitag 8. Januar 2010, 22:56
Wohnort: Frankfurt/Main

Re: One week today....

Beitrag von martin236 » Montag 28. März 2022, 09:20

Hi there,
I'm glad that you're feeling better again, and of course good health for you and your family. :up:
I wish you a lot of fun with your 7 days holiday in Hamburg.
We all look forward to your photos and I hope we meet
us to the forum meeting in hamburg. that would be great.
Many greetings

Beiträge: 4604
Registriert: Mittwoch 20. April 2011, 15:17
Wohnort: NRW

Re: One week today....

Beitrag von Feuer-wer » Montag 28. März 2022, 10:55

As everytime, we are not able to meet you because we are one day to early again. We visit Hamburg only on April 2nd. Sad.

Best wishes for you and your family, have fun in Hamburg!

Beiträge: 2912
Registriert: Dienstag 4. Februar 2003, 12:27
Wohnort: Mache gern Urlaub an der NordOstsee

Re: One week today....

Beitrag von Harry » Montag 23. Mai 2022, 13:17

RedDog hat geschrieben:
Sonntag 27. März 2022, 18:34
Next Sunday (3rd of April) my family and I arrive in Hamburg for a full week. We are VERY excited.
Hi Roger,
tell it all your scottish friends, they can vote for the Miniatur Wunderland:

