Car System - English

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Car System - English

Beitrag von katherinesdaddy » Dienstag 23. April 2013, 08:19

Hello, I am testing out the faller car system in N scale, and I have watched the Garret videos on you tube.
I have one main question I have asked over and over, and need an answer.
In the Miniature Wonderland. I noticed they use a router to create the channels for the cars and planes to flow/follow. I need to know what kind of material it is that they put in there, to allow the car magnets and plane magnets on the small armature, I saw that it looks black and tape like.
The faller system gives you a metal wire, that is not working well for me, I have tried lots of alternatives,
But I need to find out what Miniature wonderland uses, and where I can get the material they use.
Thank you

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Car System - English

Beitrag von Datterich » Dienstag 23. April 2013, 09:46

Hi katherinesdaddy, welcome here.

First: In Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg they have a car system in H0 scale (1:87), the aeroplane modells are nearly in scale 1:100.

In Hamburg, they developed for many years to create the result we can watch now. So it is understandable, that they don't make public the secrets of their system, isn't it? But it is true, that the car system there as well as the aeroplane system is working with a metal wire (magnetic). Have a look at "Gerrits Diary No. 16" to see more.

Kind regards from Germany
Sorry, the video is in German, but watch the construction -


Re: Car System - English

Beitrag von katherinesdaddy » Dienstag 23. April 2013, 17:54

Thank you very much for the reply. I have seen every episode of Gerrit's diary, and they are one of the best things I have viewed, which spawned this get very excited when a new video is released, and we are very happy that the CC has an English option. I understand about the secrets and copy right etc....I was hoping that I wouldn't spend 8 years to figure out the resolution. ;)
It appears in the video, that it is a black looking wide surface.
We were under the impression, that the black stuff was the metal(magnetic or metal) material that the vehicles would follow,
In a different video, where they are laying the material, and working on cross overs,
volume 3, at the minute mark 5 minutes 14 seconds, they show a very close up picture.
I do not see a wire, only the flat black material.
but at mark 5.26, there is a spool of wire sitting there.
so we were wondering, is the wire under neath this black material?
and what is that black material?
again, wonderful video's. we love them very much, and we have seen Gerrit so much, he feels like family.
We have spent about 400 hours testing different wires already, and looking for help.
Thank you kindly.
appreciate you

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Registriert: Freitag 3. Januar 2003, 09:25
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Re: Car System - English

Beitrag von martin » Dienstag 23. April 2013, 18:54

Hi Stephen,
Miniature wonderland is using a small 3 x 1mm magnetic band, not a wire. So this material is magnetic itself.
Yu can buy it for example in these shops: ... 9c0820fa5b
or ... ssensystem

Martin (der Z-Bahner) Moderator am Stammtisch und in den Foto-Foren

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Re: Car System - English

Beitrag von HaNull » Dienstag 23. April 2013, 19:04

Hi, Stephen!
katherinesdaddy hat geschrieben:and what is that black material?
I presume it's not a MiWuLa trade secret: it's magnetic tape.
It's the stuff that is normally used to keep the door of the fridge closed.

A German dealer who specialises in car system cars &c. sells such tape: 3 mm wide, 1 mm thick. They recommend it should be covered by a sheet of card board or plastics, 0.5 mm thick.
The magnet on the car no longer has to touch the ground - the batteries last longer (less friction) and the car magnets leave no traces.

Here's a link to the dealer's site: ... tband.html
I'm not related to that dealer and I never bought from him. I post the link as the page contains a description of the magnetic tape discussed here.
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Re: Car System - English

Beitrag von HahNullMuehr » Dienstag 23. April 2013, 21:54

... and one more "Hi" to Stephen,

I think, I might add one remark to the magnetic tape. It has got it's own oddity.
As long as it is layed out flat and uninterrupted, it works well. But at the ends (level crossings, turn outs) the magnetic field tends to flip over and disturb the track magnet of the cars concerned. This phenomenon you will encounter with every kind of magnet, since the field lines close in bows to the opposite pole.

To minimize this effect, car system specialists recommend to build the very ends of every strip slightly bent down (just 2 or 3 millimetres), so the cars will go steady straight ahead.

Regards, and, by the way, welcome to our forum.
Micha W. Muehr, Rösrath
Meine Bastelstunde gibt es auch auf YouTube.
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Re: Car System - English

Beitrag von katherinesdaddy » Mittwoch 24. April 2013, 15:15

these are fantastic tips. love em.
the bend down is specifically something I had experienced before when I tried this magnetic tape, that was about 2mmx8mm. i.e. the north/south pole issues with it.

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Registriert: Montag 27. Oktober 2003, 23:12
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Re: Car System - English

Beitrag von Dankwardt » Mittwoch 1. Mai 2013, 18:26

Gruß Siegmund
Schon in der oder gesucht?
oder Steuerungen für Car-Systeme ->
oder bei Seit 1.4.2004 nun 16 Jahre


Re: Car System - English

Beitrag von katherinesdaddy » Mittwoch 1. Mai 2013, 19:05

Excellent links. thank you sooo much, I particularly learned a lot on the youtube video about routing and capturing by seeing that round about capture points.
