Re: Gelenkbus
das Deutsch an sich ist noch nicht mal so das große Problem.
Das wesentlich größere ist, dass ich aus deinem Text keine Frage o.ä. erkennen kann.
PS: Da sieht man mal wieder wie sauber Online Übersetzer arbeiten!
das Deutsch an sich ist noch nicht mal so das große Problem.
Das wesentlich größere ist, dass ich aus deinem Text keine Frage o.ä. erkennen kann.
PS: Da sieht man mal wieder wie sauber Online Übersetzer arbeiten!

Re: Gelenkbus
I try again
Faller nicht Gelenkbusse. Warum? (faller does not articulated buses.
diese Erfahrung haben Sie in Gelenkbusse in faller car-system ( that experience do you have in articulated buses in faller car-system)
Faller nicht Gelenkbusse. Warum? (faller does not articulated buses.
diese Erfahrung haben Sie in Gelenkbusse in faller car-system ( that experience do you have in articulated buses in faller car-system)
Re: Gelenkbus
I think that`s because there isn`t any good articule(Gelenk) that you can flex(biegen) well enough.
In the front axis is only a magnet, which isn`t so strong.
And the material must look good, if Faller want, that someone buy the bus.
Somewhere here is a thread about a double articuled bus:
Here it is: ... lgelenkbus
they have the same problem, as I have just said.
Oh, and the articul (Gelenk) must be very durable (haltbar).
I`ve written the German meaning after some Englisch words because I don`t now, if it is the correct translation, and so you can translate them yourself and look, which word is the correct.
Sorry, my English isn`t so good, I`m only a pupil.
But German is much harder to learn as English.
Thanks for the English translation after the German part.
And you can say Du/you to us.
In the front axis is only a magnet, which isn`t so strong.
And the material must look good, if Faller want, that someone buy the bus.
Somewhere here is a thread about a double articuled bus:
Here it is: ... lgelenkbus
they have the same problem, as I have just said.
Oh, and the articul (Gelenk) must be very durable (haltbar).
I`ve written the German meaning after some Englisch words because I don`t now, if it is the correct translation, and so you can translate them yourself and look, which word is the correct.
Sorry, my English isn`t so good, I`m only a pupil.
But German is much harder to learn as English.
Thanks for the English translation after the German part.
And you can say Du/you to us.
Re: Gelenkbus
Hallo John,schau hier: ... Car_System MfG ECKI
Baue mir einige HO Funktionsmodelle aus Plastikbausätzen oder mache Lokumbauten wie zum Beispiel den 3teiligen Gliederzug aus 3 Märklinschienenbussen