What's your favourite train?

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Sonic Youth
Beiträge: 1
Registriert: Sonntag 10. Juni 2018, 23:30
Wohnort: Ireland

What's your favourite train?

Beitrag von Sonic Youth » Sonntag 10. Juni 2018, 23:51

So I searched for favourite train and Lieblingszug but nothing came up. I apologise if this is a duplicate post and if so could you please link me the original. Also I'm new so if I'm breaking any rules just pm me and I'll understand. Anyway.... On with the question,
I was wondering what people's favourite train is.
My personal favourite is the Rhaetian Railways ABe 8/12. Let me know yours down below.

Yours -SonicYouth :D

Beiträge: 9810
Registriert: Montag 9. Februar 2004, 14:21
Wohnort: 100 km südlich Speicherstadt

What's your favourite train?

Beitrag von Datterich » Montag 11. Juni 2018, 11:03

Hi and welcome - here we are in the "General discussions about the Wunderland" part. So I suppose you wont to know our personal favourite model railroad train? It's not easy to answer ...

In my personal opinion I nearly like all trains in Miniatur Wonderland, and I can't mention any favourite train there ... they all are fantastic! They have some very special trains there: For example a "soccer world championship"-train :wink:

Kind regards to Ireland
Please have a look => here

Beiträge: 2912
Registriert: Dienstag 4. Februar 2003, 12:27
Wohnort: Mache gern Urlaub an der NordOstsee

Re: What's your favourite train?

Beitrag von Harry » Montag 11. Juni 2018, 11:36

Hi Sonic Youth,

at the moment my favourite train is the one of the Harry Potter movies (Gitta built this train during the last weeks). It's because of I like Great Britain and Ireland very much, and this train is something typical british (sorry, you're from Ireland... ;-) )

