Cameras onboard trains & road vehicles

For our english-speaking friends.

Cameras onboard trains & road vehicles

Beitrag von sstvp » Montag 29. April 2013, 02:36

I wonder....

is it possible to mount cameras on the trains and/or vehicles??

Could the output be streamed to the internet??

Beiträge: 9810
Registriert: Montag 9. Februar 2004, 14:21
Wohnort: 100 km südlich Speicherstadt

Cameras onboard trains & road vehicles

Beitrag von Datterich » Montag 29. April 2013, 05:56

Hi and welcome here -

Of course it is possible to mount cameras on trains and/or vehicles in scale H0 (1:87). In Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg they have several DVDs and Videos with interesting scenes to watch. It looks nice! Have a look at this video too: => click.

I'm sure that the output could be streamed (do you mean a life-stream?) to the internet. A problem could be the transfer between the train/vehicle and the server, fi. in tunnels, hidden areas/mountains aso.

Kind regards from Germany
Watch the Wunderland shop to look for different DVDs
