Irelands first public metro station design (Shamrockcentral)

For our english-speaking friends.

Ireland 100 years 2016-2022 in Miniatur Wunderland ?

Umfrage endete am Montag 3. Juni 2013, 21:18

1. A metro station as the biggest shamrock in the world?
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2. College Green
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3. O'Connell Street
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4. Something else
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Insgesamt abgegebene Stimmen: 0


Irelands first public metro station design (Shamrockcentral)

Beitrag von ireland100years » Samstag 4. Mai 2013, 21:18

I'm putting forward to the staff at Miniatur Wunderland build on a concept design done by for the biggest shamrock in the world as a metro station as Irelands first metro station for the 100 year anniversary of the country 2016-2022.

Images can be found on the website it could also have ICE intercity trains from the airport and Belfast cork ect... It might be constructed in the cellular arch method.

any ideas or thoughts should it be done?
Imagine if a model done by Miniatur Wunderland helped convince the world to build the real thing? How would that make the staff feel?

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Re: Irelands first public metro station design (Shamrockcent

Beitrag von Nordexpress » Sonntag 5. Mai 2013, 19:56

Hallo stranger,

You probably have a great idea. My problem is that although I read quite a number of languages, I simply do not understand your posting - and I have tried several times.

Would you maybe please try once more to make your ideas comprehensible to people outside Ireland :?: If you look forward to answers, that is.
Tschüss Nord-Express
"Die kleine Welt ist die grösste"
Mega Straßenbahnmuseum Dänemark

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Re: Irelands first public metro station design (Shamrockcent

Beitrag von HahNullMuehr » Sonntag 5. Mai 2013, 20:42

Hej, Nordexpress,

as far as I understand ireland100years' posting, he wants the model builders from MiWuLa to create some kind of a metro station model, which is already designed and to be seen on the website of Inside it should be shaped like a shamrock wich is kind of inofficial national symbol of Ireland. (D: Kleeblatt; DK: kløver; GB: clover leaf).

Seems as if the Irish plan to build such a thing for their aniversary, and ireland100years tries to give the planning comitee a push by presenting a pefectly done scale model.

So far I did not unterstand the poll at all yet.

Micha W. Muehr, Rösrath
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Re: Irelands first public metro station design (Shamrockcent

Beitrag von ireland100years » Montag 6. Mai 2013, 00:53

HahNullMuehr hat geschrieben:
So far I did not unterstand the poll at all yet.

Yes the poll is just presenting other ideas for options and seeing if the public think they are more important but miniatur land focuses on trains and Ireland has not metro system yet because of $$$. So a model is the best way to convince them to consider the proposal in greater detail!

I think it is worth thinking about!
