So the last few months have been...

For our english-speaking friends.
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Registriert: Montag 16. September 2019, 13:58
Wohnort: Scotland, UK

So the last few months have been...

Beitrag von RedDog » Sonntag 26. Juli 2020, 19:51

I had planned to visit Hamburg in June, but we all know what happened. I have been watching and waiting for things to re-open and a chance to visit again. Like many people I have found the last few months thoroughly depressing - I won't bore you with everything that has happened. I am still alive and healthy so I shouldn't complain.

But, I have just booked to visit Hamburg in September and finally I have something to look forward to again. This is place is so much more than a model railway to me and I am very excited to be making plans to return.

I know a lot of things could go wrong. My flights could be cancelled. Either Scotland or Germany could go back into Lockdown. I'm prepared for the worst but hoping for the best.

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Registriert: Montag 9. Februar 2004, 14:21
Wohnort: 100 km südlich Speicherstadt

So the last few months have been...

Beitrag von Datterich » Sonntag 26. Juli 2020, 23:01

That's right - here is a link to a new special product you can buy in Wonderland OnlineShop:
=> ... 10272.html
The model wearing this product on the photo is "Freddy" Frederik Braun. :wink:

Hope your plans will be successfull and may be we will meet sometimes in future in Hamburg!
All the best!
Hier trifft man manchmal Leute, die gar keinen Zug vertragen ...

Beiträge: 70
Registriert: Montag 16. September 2019, 13:58
Wohnort: Scotland, UK

Re: So the last few months have been...

Beitrag von RedDog » Montag 27. Juli 2020, 09:31

I LOVE the face mask. If they are still a requirement is September I will certainly buy a MiWuLa mask!

I will arrive in Hamburg on 7th September and will leave again on 11th September. I have an annual pass for MiWuLa so would expect to visit most days. For the rest of the time I plan to visit some of the sites in Hamburg - I really love the city. If you are anywhere near by on those days it would be my privilege to buy you a beer.

I expect to travel out of the city for one day and think I will probably go to Lübeck, but I won't buy train tickets until nearer the time in case I have to cancel.

I had originally wanted to come to the annual meeting later in September, but at the moment I feel I have to take any chance I can to get there so I have had to make compromises and come a little earlier. I also expect the meeting may be cancelled or postponed this year? Anyway, I hope the friends I have made at MiWuLa will be life-long friends - I will certainly be back as often as life permits.

I am trying to learn German. I see children speaking it and look on in wonder. I find it sooooo difficult and ma making painfully slow progress. But every trip to Hamburg encourages me.

Beiträge: 9826
Registriert: Montag 9. Februar 2004, 14:21
Wohnort: 100 km südlich Speicherstadt

So the last few months have been...

Beitrag von Datterich » Montag 27. Juli 2020, 16:23

RedDog hat geschrieben:
Montag 27. Juli 2020, 09:31
I had originally wanted to come to the annual meeting later in September, but ...
The MFM-meeting in September 2020 is cancelled for wellknown reasons ... :bluecry: ... we all hope to continue in September 2021!
Maybe you have the good opportunity to buy me a beer between September 4th and September 11th in 2020 - :wink: - we will see.

Kind regards to Scotland
Hier trifft man manchmal Leute, die gar keinen Zug vertragen ...

Beiträge: 2912
Registriert: Dienstag 4. Februar 2003, 12:27
Wohnort: Mache gern Urlaub an der NordOstsee

Re: So the last few months have been...

Beitrag von Harry » Montag 27. Juli 2020, 16:46

Datterich hat geschrieben:
Montag 27. Juli 2020, 16:23
... between September 4th and September 11th in 2020 -
7th September Datterich, 7th September.

Beiträge: 2912
Registriert: Dienstag 4. Februar 2003, 12:27
Wohnort: Mache gern Urlaub an der NordOstsee

Re: So the last few months have been...

Beitrag von Harry » Montag 27. Juli 2020, 16:49

RedDog hat geschrieben:
Montag 27. Juli 2020, 09:31
I LOVE the face mask.
I too.But the ribbons are a little bit too short.
Have nice days in Hamburg. Hope we will meet in 2021 under better conditions.


Beiträge: 70
Registriert: Montag 16. September 2019, 13:58
Wohnort: Scotland, UK

Re: So the last few months have been...

Beitrag von RedDog » Montag 31. August 2020, 15:26

One week from now I should be descending from the sky over Hamburg! There is a lot that can go wrong and EasyJet have already cancelled one of my flights, so I am having to go home one day early.

Also, I will be arriving on "wheelchair Monday" so will have to wait until Tuesday morning before I can visit the Wunderland. But I am very excited! Really looking forward to getting back into beautiful Hamburg again.

Bernd 123
Beiträge: 9063
Registriert: Donnerstag 16. Juni 2011, 11:49
Wohnort: 4-Ländereck TSBF

Re: So the last few months have been...

Beitrag von Bernd 123 » Montag 31. August 2020, 17:13

RedDog hat geschrieben:
Montag 31. August 2020, 15:26 I am having to go home one day early.
RedDog hat geschrieben:
Montag 31. August 2020, 15:26
Really looking forward to getting back into beautiful Hamburg again.

I wish you wonderful days in Hamburg :up:

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mfm 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020mini, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
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Beiträge: 70
Registriert: Montag 16. September 2019, 13:58
Wohnort: Scotland, UK

Re: So the last few months have been...

Beitrag von RedDog » Sonntag 6. September 2020, 20:07

Thanks everyone! Less than 24 hours until I arrive at Miniatur Wunderland!

I am so excited. I can't wait to see Miniatur Wunderland again. When I was last there in February I had no idea it was going to be so long.

Not much longer now....

Beiträge: 70
Registriert: Montag 16. September 2019, 13:58
Wohnort: Scotland, UK

Re: So the last few months have been...

Beitrag von RedDog » Montag 7. September 2020, 18:04

And now I am here. Huge thanks to the friendly and helpful MiWuLa community for helping me and making me feel so welcome.

I am sending this from the MiWuLa bistro. So happy!

Beiträge: 2912
Registriert: Dienstag 4. Februar 2003, 12:27
Wohnort: Mache gern Urlaub an der NordOstsee

Re: So the last few months have been...

Beitrag von Harry » Dienstag 8. September 2020, 06:08

Welcome in Germany (Knuffingen), Austria, Switzerland, Hamburg, USA, Sweden, Denmark, Knuffingen Airport etx. :D

Have a great time?

Bernd 123
Beiträge: 9063
Registriert: Donnerstag 16. Juni 2011, 11:49
Wohnort: 4-Ländereck TSBF

Re: So the last few months have been...

Beitrag von Bernd 123 » Dienstag 8. September 2020, 20:17

Hi !
Have a wonderful time in Wonderland and post some pictures here in the forum. :up:
We are waiting for a ,5 weekly report. :jaja:

Wir werden nicht älter, sondern besser !!!!
mfm 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020mini, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
Gewinner der 1JJCLBW, 13MC, 15MC, 20MC,, 23MC, 24MCW, XIV., XV., XVII.-MFM-WANDA-Pokal
