Suggestion for the Airport

For our english-speaking friends.

Suggestion for the Airport

Beitrag von Saphira123456 » Mittwoch 20. November 2013, 10:04

Hey Gerrit and co., I have a suggestion as to a few planes that you can have at the Airport: American Airlines (AA)'s Boeing 737-ER's and 727-ER's, along with their MD-82's and other aircraft! I've always wondered why you guys don't have American Airlines on there. Please place some American Airlines ships on there, and then I'll REALLY be impressed!

Beiträge: 1770
Registriert: Montag 26. November 2007, 19:03
Wohnort: 339 Km NO

Re: Suggestion for the Airport

Beitrag von Nordexpress » Mittwoch 20. November 2013, 10:20

Dear Texan,

'cause the majority of visitors to the Wunderland have no idea of what American Airlines are, and they just don't care!
Tschüss Nord-Express
"Die kleine Welt ist die grösste"
Mega Straßenbahnmuseum Dänemark


Re: Suggestion for the Airport

Beitrag von Saphira123456 » Freitag 22. November 2013, 16:55

Can you please stop flaming and cutting me down? If not, I will have to report.

Thank you,

Kerry Freeman.

Beiträge: 9810
Registriert: Montag 9. Februar 2004, 14:21
Wohnort: 100 km südlich Speicherstadt

Suggestion for the Airport

Beitrag von Datterich » Freitag 22. November 2013, 17:12

As far as I know, the maximum quantity of planes is nearly achieved. So in Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg they could not place more aircrafts until Knuffingen Airport is enlarged.

In Germany, this procedure will take a lot of time ...

Kind regards to USA
Fly me to the moon

Beiträge: 1770
Registriert: Montag 26. November 2007, 19:03
Wohnort: 339 Km NO

Re: Suggestion for the Airport

Beitrag von Nordexpress » Freitag 22. November 2013, 21:57

A second large airport like in Ber... eh maybe better not! :D :mrgreen:
Tschüss Nord-Express
"Die kleine Welt ist die grösste"
Mega Straßenbahnmuseum Dänemark


Re: Suggestion for the Airport

Beitrag von Saphira123456 » Samstag 23. November 2013, 08:08

Ah. Understood.


Beiträge: 7563
Registriert: Samstag 14. Mai 2011, 20:31
Wohnort: Hamburg bei Knuffingen

Re: Suggestion for the Airport

Beitrag von writeln » Samstag 23. November 2013, 21:32

Hi Kerry,

Well there is one american *plane* at the wonderland airport, maybe the most spectacular one. Isn't that enough to be really impressed??? :wink:

Kind regards

Beiträge: 1770
Registriert: Montag 26. November 2007, 19:03
Wohnort: 339 Km NO

Re: Suggestion for the Airport

Beitrag von Nordexpress » Sonntag 24. November 2013, 14:25

Well, a whole lot of American built aircraft visit Knuffingen, Boeings all sizes, McDonnell-Douglas, Breitling Lockheed Super Constallation, general aviation etc.
Tschüss Nord-Express
"Die kleine Welt ist die grösste"
Mega Straßenbahnmuseum Dänemark
