WB 748

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Re: WB 748

Beitrag von Nordexpress » Mittwoch 11. März 2015, 20:30

Dear Pier Attilio, dear Stefano,

I do understand, that your cultural and ethical feelings have been hurt from the pictures of the Trulli in Miniatur Wunderland. You post pictures of handsomely restored Trulli houses, and further pictures show complete villages of beautiful Trulli houses.

But I ask you to be more specific in words, what is really wrong? The built-in jokes? The detached individual Trullo? The Italian heritage? The Trullo in restauration?

Will all future Italian visitors to Hamburg get their feelings hurt - or what is at stake?

Having duly critized parts of the Scandinavia lay-out in Miniatur Wunderland for years, I believe, I understand your warning. But could you be more specific, so we shall better understand what ought to be changed, please?

Auguri, ciao e grazie!
Tschüss Nord-Express
"Die kleine Welt ist die grösste"
Mega Straßenbahnmuseum Dänemark


Re: WB 748

Beitrag von Cruiser » Donnerstag 12. März 2015, 07:50

Thank you for Your replay, I really appreciate it.
The reasons for me and Piero to externalize our disappointment are:

The trulli You're building are not faithful to reality, they seems rather "Nuraghi" of Sardinia or the construction of other civilizations but not those ancient of Itria Valley; the form, the colours and the structure are different and approximate.
As I specified in my previous post the "Valle d'Itria" and Alberobello are been declared UNESCO World Heritage site because of their exclusive characteristics and the trulli can't be modified without permissions and they must be restored olny using the original techniques by authorized (and for this reason much sought) personnel.

I live in Taranto and if You tell me that my town it's disorderly and not properly clean and efficient, I would not have anything to object; but to represent the Itria Valley with a trullo (which seems not a trullo) full of junk or one full of junk scrap metal under a pylon is not something that you would find in those places.
In my last real trulli's picture I purposely put an old trullo, that needs some works, used as deposit for work tools; but, as You can see, there is no junk around.
The typical local landscape is made by fruit and olive trees, oaks trees, vineyards, dry walls made of stones taken from the soil, mainly of red earth, to indicate the boundaries.
That's is the real soul of the Valle d'Itria land and I really hope that You will take care of my words.

The last picture represents a trullo in HO scale made with real little stones and You could take it by example.

Thanks again You for the attention, sincerely Yours
Stefano Spina


Re: WB 748

Beitrag von piero1957 » Freitag 13. März 2015, 01:34

Thank you for your replay.
I could change a Miwula's picture.
It is just an idea how to show you what I intend.
Do You authorize me to do it and to show it to You?

Yours sincerely,
Pier Attilio Chionna

Imperia (Italy)
Zuletzt geändert von piero1957 am Samstag 14. März 2015, 09:45, insgesamt 4-mal geändert.

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Registriert: Dienstag 20. Januar 2009, 14:28
Wohnort: Rösrath, Δ 435 km

Re: WB 748

Beitrag von HahNullMuehr » Freitag 13. März 2015, 01:47

Ciao Piero,

I think the MiWuLa-Officials will not sue you for that. At first you have a picture THEY made, put it in THEIR forum, and say so and that you modified it. If THEY do not agree, THEY can always delete it (with the help of THEIR webmaster). But secondly I feel they won't, because it helps to the discussion and makes your points more clear.

Micha W. Muehr, Rösrath
Meine Bastelstunde gibt es auch auf YouTube.
Ich mach es lieber am Anfang exakt - und schluder später ein bisschen. Wenn ich schlampig anfange, krieg ich es am Ende nicht wieder genau.

Beiträge: 436
Registriert: Donnerstag 11. März 2010, 00:10

Re: WB 748

Beitrag von franpierre » Freitag 13. März 2015, 21:45

Hé-bien, Kenshin

Tu vois? le Français n' y suffisait pas:
voila qu' ils dissertent en Angliche :P



PS: betr. eine dritte(?) amtl. Forensprache.

Beiträge: 6637
Registriert: Dienstag 20. Januar 2009, 14:28
Wohnort: Rösrath, Δ 435 km

Re: WB 748

Beitrag von HahNullMuehr » Freitag 13. März 2015, 21:55

Moin, François,

don't worry about i lingue straniere, si nécessaire nous parlons skandinavisk as well.

Wir sind hier alle ganz multi linguini.

Übrigens, ich glaube, in Bezug auf Kenshin hast Du Dich im Thread vertan, der schreibt doch viel bei Peter Holbecks "Schiefer geht's nicht".

Gruß Regards Salut Ciao
Micha W. Muehr, Rösrath
Meine Bastelstunde gibt es auch auf YouTube.
Ich mach es lieber am Anfang exakt - und schluder später ein bisschen. Wenn ich schlampig anfange, krieg ich es am Ende nicht wieder genau.

Beiträge: 436
Registriert: Donnerstag 11. März 2010, 00:10

Re: WB 748

Beitrag von franpierre » Freitag 13. März 2015, 22:26

Nö, Micha...

Dir galt dieses Message und es kamm-ann!
Danke hzlh. für Deinen prompten Gruss.

... Kenshin hatte im "Schiefer..." bereits
(letzte Woche?) betr. DE/FRA debattiert und
Sich dann als <le Périgordin> verabschiedet.

Mich freut jede Art der Kommunikation, sofern
sie informativ und erfrischend daherkommt. :wink:



Re: WB 748

Beitrag von piero1957 » Samstag 14. März 2015, 01:24

Ciao Micha,
Sorry, I can not without the permission of the webmaster.

Freundliche Grüße,
Pier Attilio Chionna

Stefan mit F
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Re: WB 748

Beitrag von Stefan mit F » Samstag 14. März 2015, 02:35

Ciao Piero,

I have advised the webmaster (Stephan Hertz) about your idea, and I believe he will answer within the next few days. 8) Nevertheless I agree with Micha, that MiWuLa-leaders surely will approve using their own pictures to help them making things better, not merely because you could help them, but rather because they always want to get competent feedback.

They built this forum more than 10 years ago to get to know what people think about their great work, and they still read every constructive feedback. In my honest opinion there is only one valid argument against it: If you want to use any picture the MiWuLa has no appurtenances for, if they did not make the pictures themselves. But if you take any picture from the weekly reports, this should not be the case.

Yours sincerely
Gruß aus 2⅙ Grad südlich und 2½ Grad westlich des MiWuLa
Stefan mit F

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Re: WB 748

Beitrag von Cruiser » Samstag 14. März 2015, 08:22

The Piero's idea to show how the work already done can be improved is certainly good; to do a search in Google with keywords like "Valle d'Itria" or "Alberobello" or "Trulli" is another solution because provides hundreds of images that speak for themselves; but the best solution of all is to come here in Puglia in person.
In this case the experience would be total.
Visual, take a walk through the country lanes or in the narrow streets of Alberobello is worth than a thousand words.
Olfactory, smell the scents of the land, orchards or olive groves, in the streets of Alberobello was literally overwhelmed by the smell of roasted meat on the grill.
Taste, the food (not just the meat) the flavors of the local cuisine.
And last but not least, the people and their friendliness, simple country folk.
Let do a little thought on it.


Stephan Hertz
Beiträge: 2650
Registriert: Montag 23. Dezember 2002, 18:14
Wohnort: Hamburg

Re: WB 748

Beitrag von Stephan Hertz » Samstag 14. März 2015, 10:30

piero1957 hat geschrieben:Sorry, I can not without the permission of the webmaster.
Herewith the permission is given! :admin:

Greetings from Hamburg!
Miniatur Wunderland


Re: WB 748

Beitrag von piero1957 » Sonntag 15. März 2015, 17:03

Dear Friends,
I'd like to express my own thanksgiving to all of you, especially to Mr. Stephan Hertz.
I show You my idea and I hope it could be usefull.
The building is the same, I made just a little change about colouring and wall finishing. Besides I added the pinnacle on the top, it is a caracteristic element of Puglia trulli houses.

http://www.marklinfan.com/public/Pier%2 ... ollage.jpg

The Best Greetings from
Pier Attilio
Imperia (Italy)

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Registriert: Montag 9. Februar 2004, 14:21
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WB 748

Beitrag von Datterich » Sonntag 15. März 2015, 17:50

Thank you very much for this good information!
@Cruiser: What do you think about this?

Kind regards to Italy
Rome sweet Rome


Re: WB 748

Beitrag von Cruiser » Sonntag 15. März 2015, 19:17

The modify applied by Piero makes the original building made by miwula almost compliant to the real one.


Gerhard Dauscher
Planungschef MiWuLa
Beiträge: 170
Registriert: Mittwoch 11. Februar 2004, 10:41
Wohnort: Hamburg

Re: WB 748

Beitrag von Gerhard Dauscher » Dienstag 17. März 2015, 17:54

Stefano, thank you very much for your contribution.
Building an Italy filled with different experiences is something we put a lot of thought into. There is always room for discussion, may it be positive or negative criticism, and we are glad to hear your thoughts and concerns on this topic.

The scenario containing the pile of old cars in front of one of the Trulli-Buildings is in fact not a junkyard, but more about a person who collects cars since the 1950s and never got the time to fix them. That’s why these formerly very noble cars are destined to rot away in front of our eyes. Sadly this happens to many oldtimers all around the world.
In the end this scene has little to do with the Trullo-Building (or not-Trullo-Building as you might say it ;) ) in the background.

As model builders we love to look for new challenges and ways to improvise or work around problems. We didn’t want to take the life out of these historic places by creating them “fresh out of the paintbucket”. We think it is more exciting to discover the marks of the past.
A part of our team has been to this area for research, and we also used images from Google Earth for inspiration. 40°47'07.48" N 17°17'56.70" O

Here are some of our example pictures:


Re: WB 748

Beitrag von piero1957 » Dienstag 17. März 2015, 20:32

Vielen Dank für die Antwort.
Dies ist der Ort. Ich glaube.

https://www.google.it/maps/@40.784948,1 ... N_TDog!2e0

https://www.google.it/maps/@40.784865,1 ... -bRbQQ!2e0

Grüße aus Italien.

Pier Attilio Chionna


Re: WB 748

Beitrag von Cruiser » Mittwoch 18. März 2015, 19:00

Ciao Gerhard
I read with great interest your post and I thank you for the time and attention you paid to my (and those of Piero) comments on the part of MiWuLa dedicated to Italy that you have called "Bella Italia".
To start I present myself better, so that you can have a more definite idea of ​​me; I am 65 years old and live in Taranto, a city of Apulia about 50 km from the Valle d'Itria, I'm a model railway enthusiast since I was a kid and I always preferred Märklin.
Obviously the MiWuLa website is one of my favorites since it's always a great pleasure to see the images and videos that represent it, especially now with "Bella Italia" in progres; sooner or later will take a plane and I will come to see it..

I fully agree with you about your desire to represent the landscape as it appears in reality and certainly not as a perfect world, perfect and idyllic; what, in my opinion, is not good it's the lack of attention given to the creation of the trulli (both in form and in color).
Trulli are almost all painted white with lime, this custom is widespread in Apulia, Ostuni for example is also called "il paese bianco" for this.
Frankly, if you had not told me, I would never have imagined that those scrap outdoors and exposed to the elements were car to be collected and restored, it takes a lot (too much) imagination.
I have seen with Google Maps the place that you have indicated with the coordinates (in Italy Ost becomes Est); how the hell did you manage to find that handset between Locorotondo and Alberobello (drone?); I know that area but I have never gone into so much so we could say that you know it better than me.
In Valle d'Itria there few cypress (above all in cemeteries) but especially olive, fruit trees and vineyards, in addition to there is the so-called "Mediterranean Bush" made of shrubs since there are no rivers and the only water has to be fetch from subterranean veins or from the rain that goes collected in special tanks placed under the houses and it's for thhis reason that houses are painted with white lime due to it's disinfectant properties.

So, since you have decided to represent this part of Italy, I ask you only to get it right; if you create five trulli and two of these are abandoned and degraded then you will provide a wrong image of reality since it does not.
If I can afford to make a suggestion you could put in the garden of a trullo a large table full of people eating and drinking red wine or mulled wine while some others are busy to cook lamb and sausages in the stone oven and children scurrying around chasing each other around (families gather willingly in these parts).

Ostuni, la città bianca:
http://www.marklinfan.com/public/Stefan ... tuni01.jpg

The Valle d'Itria view from the railing of Martina Franca, the city in the background is Locorotondo in two pics made by myself:
http://www.marklinfan.com/public/Stefan ... ria01a.jpg
http://www.marklinfan.com/public/Stefan ... ria02a.jpg

The trulli are grouped in small clusters and spread over the territory in the countryside and another feature is the land that has often a reddish color as shown in this picture:
http://www.marklinfan.com/public/Stefan ... reno01.jpg

Here two pics of Alberobello:
http://www.marklinfan.com/public/Stefan ... rama14.jpg
http://www.marklinfan.com/public/Stefan ... ello02.jpg

I hope to be as helpful and greet you cordially


Beiträge: 6637
Registriert: Dienstag 20. Januar 2009, 14:28
Wohnort: Rösrath, Δ 435 km

Re: WB 748

Beitrag von HahNullMuehr » Samstag 21. März 2015, 13:52

Ciao Stefano,
Ciao Pier,

I just watched a Video about building Italy, broadcasted bei NDR (Radio of Northern Germany).
Here is a link, thanks to Thomas (MBF No.1):
http://media.ndr.de/progressive/2015/03 ... 742.hq.mp4
Have a close look at 0:11. There is a trullo and one of the model builders ist just placing something, that looks like a pallet with plaster for rebuilding the badly worn trullo.

I guess, that is something you appreciate.

Ich habe mir gerade ein Video über den Bau von Italien angesehen, das vom NDR (Norddeutscher Rundfunk) ausgestrahlt wurde. Hier ist ein Link, Danke dafür an Thomas (MBF No.1): Link
Schaut mal genau hin bei 0:11. Dort sieht man ein Trullo und einer der Modellbauer platziert gerade etwas, das aussieht wie eine Palette Gips für den Wiederaufbau des sehr angeschlagenen Trullo.

Ich denke, das ist etwas, das Eure Zustimmung hat.

Micha W. Muehr, Rösrath
Meine Bastelstunde gibt es auch auf YouTube.
Ich mach es lieber am Anfang exakt - und schluder später ein bisschen. Wenn ich schlampig anfange, krieg ich es am Ende nicht wieder genau.


Re: WB 748

Beitrag von Cruiser » Samstag 21. März 2015, 15:34

So maybe we must wait for the little farmer Raffaele (typical name in Valle d'Itria) wo lives in that trullo to repair it correctly painting it also with white lime and, to complete the work since we are, clean it removing the badly stuff around.
Raffaele (I know him) is a great worker and I'm sure he will do a perfect job on it.



Re: WB 748

Beitrag von piero1957 » Sonntag 22. März 2015, 12:10

Ciao Micha,

thank you for the link, it's very interesting.
I really enjoy the scene with the German and Italian families at the railway station.

I hope in a suitable renovation of the trullo buiding.
I'm trying to buy a real small trullo in my father's land and I can see that the current laws about renovation are very restrictive.

Freundliche Grüße aus Italien.

Pier A. Chionna
