Four years ago today...

For our english-speaking friends.
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Registriert: Montag 16. September 2019, 13:58
Wohnort: Scotland, UK

Four years ago today...

Beitrag von RedDog » Samstag 3. April 2021, 20:09

Four years ago today I visited MiWuLa for the first time. And somehow life was never quite the same again.

I can't tell you how much I miss Hamburg. I hope I can return soon.

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Registriert: Dienstag 24. Dezember 2002, 09:40
Wohnort: Norderstedt

Re: Four years ago today...

Beitrag von H0-Holger » Sonntag 4. April 2021, 15:38

You are lucky to remember the date of your first visit. I don't know the exact date of my first visit in the Holy Halls - I think it was in October or November 2001, i.e. almost twenty years ago.

And I agree: Life has never been the same ever since...
Geburtstagskind, MdDC und Forenfossil

Stefan mit F
Beiträge: 7975
Registriert: Mittwoch 1. Juni 2011, 18:09
Wohnort: 2⅙ Grad südlich und 2½ Grad westlich des MiWuLa

Re: Four years ago today...

Beitrag von Stefan mit F » Sonntag 4. April 2021, 17:28


my first visit was in 2004. I don't remember the exact day but it was between 5th and 8th of september on a five-day trip to Hamburg.
Unfortunately it took nearly 6 years until i went to the Miniatur Wunderland again on June 26 in 2010.
Now I have been there on more than 50 different days, always enjoying new things but also feeling history when I see very similar fire operations in Knuffingen today like in 2004.

Seeing that some people living far away from Hamburg (2017 i visited MiWuLa with a friend from Indonesia) helps me little better to deal with my distance of 350km to Hamburg.

I would be glad to meet you on another visit in 2021 or 2022. :)
Gruß aus 2⅙ Grad südlich und 2½ Grad westlich des MiWuLa
Stefan mit F

Im August 2024 neu erschienen: KLIMA BULLSHIT BINGO von Jan Hegenberg
Ab 06.08.2024 bekommt man es in jeder kleinen Buchhandlung um die Ecke.

Beiträge: 2912
Registriert: Dienstag 4. Februar 2003, 12:27
Wohnort: Mache gern Urlaub an der NordOstsee

Re: Four years ago today...

Beitrag von Harry » Montag 5. April 2021, 17:25

RedDog hat geschrieben:
Samstag 3. April 2021, 20:09
I can't tell you how much I miss Hamburg. I hope I can return soon.
It's the same for me. Hope we will meet in 2021.

Stefan mit F
Beiträge: 7975
Registriert: Mittwoch 1. Juni 2011, 18:09
Wohnort: 2⅙ Grad südlich und 2½ Grad westlich des MiWuLa

Re: Four years ago today...

Beitrag von Stefan mit F » Montag 5. April 2021, 17:46

Dear RedDog,

I'm not sure if anybody said it before, but in my point of view the English corner is a place where only english is spoken, but the rest of the forum is open for posts in any langauge, no matter if german, english, latin (if anybodys mother tongue is latin :D) or mandarin.
So if you want you can join us talking about the new world record or about every day new pictures from the past. I already wrote a post in english including the german word Brathering that looks like an english verb in present participle and nobody was upset about my post.

So if you like you are very welcome to talk either in german or in english and maybe add some nice pictures you made earlier, just to get over the fact that Miniatur Wunderland is closed. :)
We're just a big support group of Miniatur Wunderland addicts. :up:
Gruß aus 2⅙ Grad südlich und 2½ Grad westlich des MiWuLa
Stefan mit F

Im August 2024 neu erschienen: KLIMA BULLSHIT BINGO von Jan Hegenberg
Ab 06.08.2024 bekommt man es in jeder kleinen Buchhandlung um die Ecke.

Beiträge: 375
Registriert: Freitag 4. September 2020, 09:47
Wohnort: Stockholm, Schweden

Re: Four years ago today...

Beitrag von IorethOfGondor » Montag 5. April 2021, 18:05

I haven't been to MiWuLa yet - I learned of it in september 2020 :)

But I will restrain from posting in Swedish and use German or English even if it is good to know that other languages are welcome ;) :P - Google translate could be overloaded! LOL! :)

And I have to add that the group on this server is a warm cozy welcoming place! :)

Stefan mit F
Beiträge: 7975
Registriert: Mittwoch 1. Juni 2011, 18:09
Wohnort: 2⅙ Grad südlich und 2½ Grad westlich des MiWuLa

Re: Four years ago today...

Beitrag von Stefan mit F » Montag 5. April 2021, 18:42

Okay, you will restrain from posting Swedish, but I can do it for you. :D
Gruß aus 2⅙ Grad südlich und 2½ Grad westlich des MiWuLa
Stefan mit F

Im August 2024 neu erschienen: KLIMA BULLSHIT BINGO von Jan Hegenberg
Ab 06.08.2024 bekommt man es in jeder kleinen Buchhandlung um die Ecke.

Beiträge: 70
Registriert: Montag 16. September 2019, 13:58
Wohnort: Scotland, UK

Re: Four years ago today...

Beitrag von RedDog » Montag 5. April 2021, 20:47

Thank you everyone. Sincerely - vielen dank!

I have been feeling quite low today and coming back to this thread I started a couple of days ago and reading the posts really cheered me up. This is a warm and inclusive forum, when life feels a little cold. I will join in the other threads as suggested by Stefan. Thank you for this.

There will come a day, not too far away, when I will be walking up the stairs to MiWuLa again. And anyone who recognises me in the bistro gets a Hamburg beer!

Thanks everyone.

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Registriert: Montag 9. Februar 2004, 14:21
Wohnort: 100 km südlich Speicherstadt

Four years ago today...

Beitrag von Datterich » Dienstag 6. April 2021, 06:44

Are you coming because of Hamburg beer, Hamburger or Wonderland or all together? :extraconfused: 8)
Hope we will meet there - I like Hamburg beer and friendly members of this forum.

Stay healthy!
Hier trifft man manchmal Leute, die gar keinen Zug vertragen ...

Beiträge: 2912
Registriert: Dienstag 4. Februar 2003, 12:27
Wohnort: Mache gern Urlaub an der NordOstsee

Re: Four years ago today...

Beitrag von Harry » Dienstag 6. April 2021, 17:47

RedDog hat geschrieben:
Montag 5. April 2021, 20:47
... And anyone who recognises me in the bistro gets a Hamburg beer!
Hoping it will be a Saturday and you will tell it early enough, I will wait in the Bistro for my beer :D


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Registriert: Mittwoch 20. April 2011, 15:17
Wohnort: NRW

Re: Four years ago today...

Beitrag von Feuer-wer » Mittwoch 7. April 2021, 06:16

Beware of british and swedish people telling you to use astra.

I'm sure we will meet there and we will enjoy it.
Zuletzt geändert von Feuer-wer am Mittwoch 7. April 2021, 10:23, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Beiträge: 375
Registriert: Freitag 4. September 2020, 09:47
Wohnort: Stockholm, Schweden

Re: Four years ago today...

Beitrag von IorethOfGondor » Mittwoch 7. April 2021, 08:18

I guess at least most people I know would answer "no we do not have that satellite channel anymore" if you ask them about astra :)
most have Netflix et al these days ...
