Shopping list

For our english-speaking friends.
Thor Marum

Shopping list

Beitrag von Thor Marum » Dienstag 27. September 2016, 15:14

Dear Miniatur Wunderland.

As a frequent visitor in Hamburg, on YouTube and here I have have a wish.

In Your videos on YouTube You show "how-to" and You use a lot of fancy stuff.

Silocone for creating moulds, casting materials and paint that will rust, just to mention a few items.

Unfortunately I live in Denmark and this stuff isn't common in hobbyshops.

Would it be possible for You to make a "shopping list" containing brand names and maybe where to buy.

I already buy must things in Germany or Austria as Denmark is a wasteland when it comes to hobby stuff.

Best regards from Denmark

Stephan Hertz
Beiträge: 2650
Registriert: Montag 23. Dezember 2002, 18:14
Wohnort: Hamburg

Re: Shopping list

Beitrag von Stephan Hertz » Donnerstag 29. September 2016, 15:38

Dear Thor,

here are a few suggestions:

1.) I advise you to post your questions what exactly you want to buy in the German section of our forum. I’m sure that many of the subscribers can understand and answer in English as well.
2.) Contact company Faller and ask for an edition of their model maker booklets, where the often pulish ads of other specific model material companies as well.

Faller is the company where we purchase from as well (paints and buildings, before we made our own)

Other good companies:
“Viessmann”: for Buildings, signals, lamps
0049 7723 651-0

“Heki” + “Noch” for landscape materials

“Revell” for Paints

The large electronics store “Conrad” also offers a lot of models and model making materials.

Last, but not least, for silicone, plaster with plastic fiber etc. simply go to a hardware or buildings supplies store.

Happy hunting
Miniatur Wunderland

Thor Marum

Re: Shopping list

Beitrag von Thor Marum » Donnerstag 29. September 2016, 16:42

Dear Stephan,

your reply has already helped me a lot.

I knew about Faller and Heki but the other brands were more or less unknown to me.
I knew about Conrad as well, but I only used them for electronics.

Thank you very much.

By the way, I'll be visiting Miniatur Wunderland on November 9th and have a guided tour of your new Italy section. I'm looking forward to see if it's as good as I imagine.

Best regards from Denmark.

Beiträge: 2912
Registriert: Dienstag 4. Februar 2003, 12:27
Wohnort: Mache gern Urlaub an der NordOstsee

Re: Shopping list

Beitrag von Harry » Donnerstag 29. September 2016, 17:47

Hi Thor,
Stephan Hertz hat geschrieben: 1.) I advise you to post your questions what exactly you want to buy in the German section of our forum. I’m sure that many of the subscribers can understand and answer in English as well.
I agree with Stephan, here are some Members, who are able to give you usefull answers to your questions. Just ask us :-)


Beiträge: 6637
Registriert: Dienstag 20. Januar 2009, 14:28
Wohnort: Rösrath, Δ 435 km

Re: Shopping list

Beitrag von HahNullMuehr » Donnerstag 29. September 2016, 21:27

Thor Marum hat geschrieben: [...] if it's as good as I imagine [...].
It won't. It will look far better than you can ever imagine. :D

Micha W. Muehr, Rösrath
Meine Bastelstunde gibt es auch auf YouTube.
Ich mach es lieber am Anfang exakt - und schluder später ein bisschen. Wenn ich schlampig anfange, krieg ich es am Ende nicht wieder genau.

Beiträge: 2912
Registriert: Dienstag 4. Februar 2003, 12:27
Wohnort: Mache gern Urlaub an der NordOstsee

Re: Shopping list

Beitrag von Harry » Freitag 30. September 2016, 07:09

I forgot:

Thor, you should visit Miniatur Wunderland in September 2017 too: ... 33114.html


Beiträge: 9826
Registriert: Montag 9. Februar 2004, 14:21
Wohnort: 100 km südlich Speicherstadt

Shopping list

Beitrag von Datterich » Freitag 30. September 2016, 08:07

@Harry: We already have nice friends and members from Denmark and Scandinavia at every "MFM"[1] meeting.

There we have the good opportunity to talk together about tips and tricks ... :professor2:

Kind regards to Europe
[1] "MFM" means "Miniatur Wunderland Forumanen Meeting"

Thor Marum

Re: Shopping list

Beitrag von Thor Marum » Samstag 1. Oktober 2016, 17:23

HahNullMuehr hat geschrieben:
Thor Marum hat geschrieben: [...] if it's as good as I imagine [...].
It won't. It will look far better than you can ever imagine. :D


Hi Micha.

I can imagine stuff you won't even dream of, but if it's just half as good as I imagine it will be out of this world.

Best regards from Denmark

Thor Marum

Re: Shopping list

Beitrag von Thor Marum » Samstag 1. Oktober 2016, 17:29

Dear Harry and Datterich.

Thank you for your replies. I will be searching in the German forums for tips and tricks. I speak and read German, but unfortunately I can't write in German.

Please tell me more about MFM.

Best regards form Denmark.

Beiträge: 9826
Registriert: Montag 9. Februar 2004, 14:21
Wohnort: 100 km südlich Speicherstadt

Shopping list

Beitrag von Datterich » Samstag 1. Oktober 2016, 18:03

Thor Marum hat geschrieben:I speak and read German, but ... ... Please tell me more about MFM.
Please have a look here => About MFM (in German) and our next meeting in September 2017. More details and the complete program 2017 will follow next February ... but nearly the same agenda as this year including an interesting sightseeing-tour by bus through Hamburg in scale 1:1 :D

Kind regards from Germany
Waiting time until the official start of our meeting in Hamburg _ _ :bummel:
Zuletzt geändert von Datterich am Sonntag 30. Juli 2017, 19:10, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Thor Marum

Re: Shopping list

Beitrag von Thor Marum » Samstag 1. Oktober 2016, 18:21

Is there a newer version than 2007?

Beiträge: 2912
Registriert: Dienstag 4. Februar 2003, 12:27
Wohnort: Mache gern Urlaub an der NordOstsee

Re: Shopping list

Beitrag von Harry » Sonntag 2. Oktober 2016, 12:21

Thor Marum hat geschrieben:Is there a newer version than 2007?
Of course we have. Alf wrote the link for 2016/2017 ;-)

Regards, hope to see you in 2017 :-)


Re: Shopping list

Beitrag von baileyshaw437 » Donnerstag 20. Juli 2017, 06:19

I totally agree with thor that sometimes I find it very difficult to find items that they are mentioning in videos because these things are not easily available everywhere.

Beiträge: 9
Registriert: Montag 31. Juli 2017, 19:45

Re: Shopping list

Beitrag von Angelole » Donnerstag 10. August 2017, 23:56

I wonder how it went?
Also how come you can read and speak German but not being able to put a few lines together with your request? Shouldn't be that hard to do.
